Thin Thursday

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I've decided to try something new on this blog..."Thin Thursday." Thin Thursday is the day where I break down my weight loss progress for the week. I figure if I am at least accountable to something (even if it is just my blog) I may have better luck trying to lose weight.

Problem...this past week was a bad week to start being accountable. It's finals week which means I have been living in the library and living on a steady diet of junk food and caffeine. Yeah...not such a good week. I'm pretty sure that I've actually gained a pound or two. But on the upside, I have one last marathon study day today, my last final tomorrow from 10-12 and then I am free (sorta...I still have my MCAT in June). Starting tomorrow I should be able to get myself into somesort of work out routine. I'd better since I'm going to be competing in a triathlon in September!! But more on that next week...