Oy vey!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I got a very exciting letter in the mail today...it was a letter from my dress shop letting me know that my dress has come in! I am so excited and can't wait to go and try it on agian!

But...with this excitement has come the realization that I have to walk down the aisle in this dress, everyone gets to see me in this dress, I have to get photographed in this dress. Which is way today, that letter, was the motivation for me to start working out and getting in shape.

A few months ago I heard about Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred from some girls on the The Knot and I thought I'd give it a try. I ordered it and then it sat on my shelf...until today. I decided that today was the day to try it out....

Oy vey!

Now yes, I am very out of shape right now, but even so that video kicked my ass. I didn't know that a 20 minute work out could be so hard. My legs are already jello (going up the stairs just now was painful) and my arms and shoulders are already getting sore. But if it doesn't hurt it isn't working right?

So the plan is Shredding 3 days a week, looooong walks with dogs 3 days a week for the first week. The second week I am going to add some yoga into the mix...the third week, I'm not sure yet; I need to see who the first two weeks go.