Saturday, May 30, 2009

We are officially 1 year away from the big day! I really can't believe that we have been engaged for almost 8 months now. I took the dogs for a walk yesterday and we went past the spot where J and I got engaged (I haven't been there since he popped the question). I must have looked like such a fool...i was just standing by a fence with a big, dumb grin on my face and misty eyes. But oh well...I'm a bride I'm allowed to get sentimental!

In the park...popping the question.
My response: "Shut up..you're joking...shut up"

Even though I never really wanted an engagement longer than a year...I have to say it has been kind of a blessing. I am so far ahead of the game at this point that I can hardly believe it...here's the recap of everything we've done so far:
-Booked the ceremony site
-Booked the reception site (which books up so far in advance, so a long engagement was a really good thing)
-Bought my dress
-Bought my veil and hair pieces
-Booked the photographer
-Booked the "photobooth"
-Bought the printing supplies for the invitations
-Met with the pastor (more on that later)
-Picked out our colors (more on that later too)
-Asked most of our bridal party

But...(there's always a but) the list of things yet to do is 10 times as long...so I shouldn't get too cocky. Ah well...i still have a year!

Thin Thursday

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I've decided to try something new on this blog..."Thin Thursday." Thin Thursday is the day where I break down my weight loss progress for the week. I figure if I am at least accountable to something (even if it is just my blog) I may have better luck trying to lose weight.

Problem...this past week was a bad week to start being accountable. It's finals week which means I have been living in the library and living on a steady diet of junk food and caffeine. Yeah...not such a good week. I'm pretty sure that I've actually gained a pound or two. But on the upside, I have one last marathon study day today, my last final tomorrow from 10-12 and then I am free (sorta...I still have my MCAT in June). Starting tomorrow I should be able to get myself into somesort of work out routine. I'd better since I'm going to be competing in a triathlon in September!! But more on that next week...

So much time and so little to do...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wait...strike that, reverse it.

Lately my wedding planning has been kind of bumming me out. Well actually it's the lack of wedding planning. For the past few weeks most of my wedding planning has been put on hold because of school and it's been getting me down. We're about a year away...and yes, I know I still have a lot of time to plan and I already have a lot done...but I want to do more!

I'm really anxious to get started designing my invites and save the dates plus there are a million other crafty things I want to get started on. But it's all been put on hold because of school. Finals are next week, MCAT's are in a 6 weeks and my internship starts in 3 weeks. Once the MCAT's are done I'll be able to really get going on the planning and crafting. For now I'll just have to settle for my 15 minutes a day of perusing the wedding blogs and bookmarking pictures.

Oy vey!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I got a very exciting letter in the mail today...it was a letter from my dress shop letting me know that my dress has come in! I am so excited and can't wait to go and try it on agian!

But...with this excitement has come the realization that I have to walk down the aisle in this dress, everyone gets to see me in this dress, I have to get photographed in this dress. Which is way today, that letter, was the motivation for me to start working out and getting in shape.

A few months ago I heard about Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred from some girls on the The Knot and I thought I'd give it a try. I ordered it and then it sat on my shelf...until today. I decided that today was the day to try it out....

Oy vey!

Now yes, I am very out of shape right now, but even so that video kicked my ass. I didn't know that a 20 minute work out could be so hard. My legs are already jello (going up the stairs just now was painful) and my arms and shoulders are already getting sore. But if it doesn't hurt it isn't working right?

So the plan is Shredding 3 days a week, looooong walks with dogs 3 days a week for the first week. The second week I am going to add some yoga into the mix...the third week, I'm not sure yet; I need to see who the first two weeks go.