This would be too cool for school

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lately J and I have been tossing around ideas for engagement photos. Even though we love the photos of our engagement (technically that would make them engagement photos, right?) we both want to do another set, sans dogs. We (ok, mostly me) want to do something a little quirky and fun for the photos; some of the ideas that have been tossed around were Riverwest neighborhood, a bowling alley and most recently a roller rink. All of these place are close to home and close enough for our photog, Casey to shoot us.
But I have to admit there is one location that I have been secretly lusting after for a while...The Neon Museum. Have you ever wondered where those old neon casino signs in Vegas go as their final resting place? They go to The Neon Museum....

J and I are huge fans of Las Vegas, especially old Vegas (Golden Gate Casino anyone?) so I thought it would be fitting to be surrounded by something so uniquely us... Just one problem, Vegas isn't cheap. Well, it's sort of cheap, but when you're saving for a wedding it's not cheap enough. I researched flights and hotels and while I found some good deals I just couldn't justify going just for photos (even if they would be amazing).

Enter our friends Ike and Sarah...
Ike and Sarah got engaged about 5 months ago and have been trying to plan a wedding that worked for them. Unfortunatley the idea of a hometown wedding has been more stressful and frustrating than they would have liked. I had a chance to talk to Sarah today and she told me that as of late she and Ike are talking about Vegas! Which would be awesome, not only because a Vegas wedding would be perfect for them, but if they did go that route it would give us a legitimate reason to go to Vegas! Woo-Hoo! I'm trying not getting my hopes ups (much) because they are still just talking about it, but come on!

Back to it

Thursday, July 2, 2009

So after a long hiatus I'm back to the wedding blog (and in a sense back to wedding planning). This last month and a half has been incredibly stressful...finals, MCATs, new job, being sick, sick dog...just a lot going on. But now that I finally have my head on straight its time to get rolling.

We've passed the 11 month mark...which is CRAZY!!! I'm getting married in 11 months...that doesn't sound right.

You're probably wondering what I've done since my last post which was at the 1 year mark...well I'll tell you. I've done nothing. That's right, nothing. With everything else that was going on wedding planning got shoved to the bottom of the list. But no more! Before I could begin any one project I had to organize, so during a very boring meeting I put together a list of all of my DIY projects that I hope to accomplish over the next 11 months. *deep breath* They are (in no particular order)
-Design/Print Save the Dates
-Design/Print Invites
-Custom cocktail napkins
-Shower hostess gifts
-Bridesmaids gifts
-Wedding cake (yes, you read that right)
-Rehersal Dinner Invites
-Dessert Buffet cards
-Mason jar candles
-Wish Tree
-Photobook Guestbook
-Wedding dog collars for the pups (they have to look pretty in the pics too!)
-"flags" for the patio (more on that later)
-Beer menu for the bar
-Card box

It's going to be a busy 11 stay tuned