So much time and so little to do...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wait...strike that, reverse it.

Lately my wedding planning has been kind of bumming me out. Well actually it's the lack of wedding planning. For the past few weeks most of my wedding planning has been put on hold because of school and it's been getting me down. We're about a year away...and yes, I know I still have a lot of time to plan and I already have a lot done...but I want to do more!

I'm really anxious to get started designing my invites and save the dates plus there are a million other crafty things I want to get started on. But it's all been put on hold because of school. Finals are next week, MCAT's are in a 6 weeks and my internship starts in 3 weeks. Once the MCAT's are done I'll be able to really get going on the planning and crafting. For now I'll just have to settle for my 15 minutes a day of perusing the wedding blogs and bookmarking pictures.