The old switcharoo....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

When we left off I was 99% sure that this was my ring:
In my mind I was done looking now it was just a matter of waiting for J to get down on one knee!

About a month before the proposal, out of the blue, J suggested that we check out one more jewelery store. We both loved the 5-stone ring, but we didn't love the jeweler (bad customer service, etc, etc..). I checked around and found a jeweler in the area who had the ring and a reputation for good customer service. So we headed out....

I have to say that the customer service alone was enough to make us buy from them. We sat down at the counter and started talking with one of the sales people about what I was looking for in a ring and pointed out the ring we had picked out. I slipped the 5-stone on my finger and thought that was the end of the discussion. The sales woman brought over a few more rings that she thought I might like; they were nice, but not it. As we were talking stone sizes and ordering times J spotted another ring. It was a small, unassuming ring, hidden toward the back of a case. White gold, one stone, and the minute I saw it, I knew that it was my ring. And when I put it on J said you could see my face just light up. That was it, I had found my ring, end of story. We didn't leave with the ring that day, because J wanted to surprise me with it....and surprise me he did. So here she is....

This picture was taken right after J proposed (that story to follow)....

And here she is with some tomatoes...because every ring looks better with tomatoes, right??

So there you have it...the story of my ring! Did you have a last minute change of plans when picking out your ring?