Thursday, October 22, 2009

I never used to be a shoe junkie. For a long time I was the type of girl who could slip on a pair of Birks and be on her way. And then I met K. K is my best friend (more like sister) and maid of honor. Once I met her it was all downhill. K is what I consider the ultimate shoe junkie...when she moved into her new house with her new hubbie she brought with her over 100 pairs of shoes!!! Needless to say that some of that shoe whoring has rubbed off on me. It also didn't help that for 2 years she lived near the best shoe store in the world (I call it my happy place) Kick on Main. When I would visit her we'd spend hours in there trying on every fabulous shoe in the place.
Now that it's time for me to start buckling down and seriously looking for shoes...I'm stumped. I have an idea about what I want, but I also know what I don't want...I don't want a frumpy old pair of white shoes that are categorized as "bridal shoes." Plus I would like to wear my shoes more than once...these would never see the light of day again.

Wedding shoes, in my opinion, need to be something fabulous. They need to make a statement, and the shouldn't fade into the background. I've seen too many great photos of wedding day shoes to ever settle for some plain white shoes.

Some adorable blue shoes...what a great "something blue"

Love love love this picture

But absolute favorite (but I am biased...I'm the one in the yellow, K is in the white)

The other problem is that I am just slightly taller than J...which means that unless I want to pull a Katie Holmes and be all slouchy in my wedding pics, I need to go with flats or kitten heels.
Which sadly rules out most of my favorite shoes thus far....but for the sake of all things's a little shoe porn with a few of my favorites

You can see that I am a fan of all things sparkly. But obviously the 4" heel isn't an option...which means that I have my mission; fabulously sparkly flats! It's a tall order (please excuse the bad pun), and thus far, everything I've looked at has falled short (again with the bad puns). But I'm hopeful that my perfect sparkly, flats are out there.

Did height play a big part in your wedding shoe choice? Did you find your self limited in what you could chose or was the sky the limit?