Go Go Gadget Gocco

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I am so excited about this next piece of the wedding puzzle...my Gocco printer! I had heard little bits and pieces about Gocco printers while on Weddingbee.com (the girls over there are Gocco crazy) and I was intrigued. Finally one Saturday I sat down and did some serious research about with this little machine was, how much it costs and what it can do for me.
After just a little while I was hooked and I had to have one. Yes, it was going to be an investment (because Gocco's are from Japan and because they are actually no longer in production getting your hands on one can be a little tricky and expensive) but I realized that with all this little machine can do I would be able to do even more DIY, including printing my invites and save-the-dates. I talked it over with J and he green lighted the whole thing and we were off. I was lucky and I found a girl on Weddingbee.com selling a full set-up, plus supplies for a reasonable price. So I snatched it up!

And the other day...it arrived!!!! I was so excited (I may have skipped class to stay home and unpack it)!

Here's the package, I almost kissed the mailman when it brought it! (pardon the messy bedroom, I was so excited that I woke J up just to show him....he was not amused)

Here it is!

Ummmm...that's a lot of stuff. Does any one know how to work this thing?

So now that I've got my fabulous new Gocco I need to figure out how to use it. I'm a little, ok a lot, intimidated by it but I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out.

So far I am planning to use it to print:
Save the dates
Custom cocktail napkins
Wish tree cards
Place cards
Dessert buffet cards
Bar Menus
A few gifty things for my bridesmaids

I know that as time goes on I'll think of more stuff. And I'm pretty sure that by the end of this whole thing the printer will pay for it self...plus I can resell it once I'm done.