Thin Thursday...oh yeah that!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

You may remember that I had the idea for Thin Thursday a few months ago and then it kind of died out. Well, it didn't really die out so much as life got in the way. Unfortunately during the months of May, June and July health and exercise fell very low on my list of priorities. That was not a good thing to let happen and I am certainly paying for it now. My energy is at an all time low, I've put on a few pounds, my digestive system is a mess (somewhere Jamie Lee Curtis is telling me to eat Activia) and I feel really disappointed in myself.

But I can't beat myself up for it, all I can do is learn from it and move forward. And helping me to move forward? Why it's Bob and Jillian from The Biggest Loser!

J and I are big fans of The Biggest Loser. Unfortunately in the past we usually would watch the show while eating Chinese take out....kinda defeats the purpose, I know. But, despite the fried rice and singapore noodles, we have still managed to learn a few things from the show and hopefully those tips combined with a 2 other tools will help me get started.
My first tool...Bob's book.

Ok, before you laugh, yes, I know, most weight loss books are a bunch of crap. And I know this one looks super cheesy. But for some reason I got pulled onto the "Bob Train" and I just can't get off! So I thought what the heck...I'll give it a shot. The book isn't very long, but it does offer some good tips for diet and exercise, plus the first few chapters offer some insight into the emotions behind weight gain and weight loss. After reading through it I did have a few revalations about why I eat what I eat when I eat and why I have such a difficult time getting motivated to exercise.

My second tool comes from good ol' ball-bustin' Jillian.

This video has been all over the wedding blog world for the last year..and there are lots of women who have and some pretty amazing results with it. I've tried it a few times...and everytime I find myself sweaty, sore and exhausted by the obviously its doing something. Now I just have to start doing it on a consistent basis; my goal is 3-4 times a week.
So it's with Bob and Jillian that I plan to start my body transformation...but that's not where it ends. Next week I'll fill you in on some of the other things I've got up my sleeve to make sure that I will be fabulously healthy, fit and toned on my wedding day.