I'm baaaaaaaaack

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!
I'm sorry that I've neglected this blog for so long...bad, bad bride. Between the holidays and some personal drama that was going on the time just got away from me and I found myself putting off blogging everyday and suddenly poof! Two months had gone by.

But never fear! I am back and I am armed with a butt-load of posts about the wedding. Speaking of which, 147 days until I'm married!!!!! I am beyond excited. It hit me this last week that this wedding is really happening. I mean, I knew that I was always getting married, and I never doubted that. But this engagement has really been a marathon, not a sprint. There was a lot of time spent just looking at pictures, bookmarking webpages and just waiting. But now, I feel like I'm coming up on the last 5 miles and it's just going to fly by!

There's a lot to do and a lot that still needs to be planned so stay tuned....